Sunday, 2 April 2023


One day, you suddenly realise that time is a gift. A gift so precious it could be lost at any minute. We try so hard to hold on, however we can. We make plans for years unknown. We study so hard hoping to become something we have no idea if its supposed to be. We work long hours diligently telling ourselves that we are building a better future for ourselves and ourselves. But one thing I forget is that time is so fleeting, and could disappear in a second. Everything we ever worked so hard for, could all become meaningless. We forget to live in today and actually enjoy the time we currently have. Why the greed of making plans for so long a time? When then one that is currently being given isn't being utilised?

This is what I realised today. I have spent so long worrying, in fear, being bitter, and hoping for more time. Yet I failed to realise that I already had the right time. Just enough time to live a worthy life. Enough time to live happily. Enough to just laugh and stop to smell each rose on my way, to feel each stroke of wind on my skin, to bask in the feel of warmth that the sun radiates when it shines. I forgot that everything in life is of its own purpose, and all the Lord created were made to support the other. When was the last time I went out just because I wanted to take a breath of fresh air? Certainly not in the past 13 years.  Then again, what am I really asking for more time for?  Have I even enjoyed the one he has given me so far? Of what point is an underutilized time, when there are some who truly deserve it that don't get it.

If I died this minute, I don't think I would have any regrets but I am certain I would be very unhappy, not because I didn't have enough time but because I had plenty of time and didn't even recognise it.

We live in the past sometimes, looking back at the things we did right and sulking about things we did wrong. Yet on other days, we live in the future and imagine things we have no idea will ever be realised and forgetting that just because we want something doesn't mean we will get it. We pleasure ourselves prematurely into believing that there is perfection at the end of a future dream, then become shadows of ourselves once reality hits and force ourselves into depressed states.  Unless it's to take something needed to live fully in the present, no one has a business looking into the past. Similarly, no one should live in the future when the present is not being lived, you have no business living in your mind while neglecting your NOW. Face your present, do what you can, and be mindful that the time you're in is fleeting, so live as such.

Living in the present is the best thing anyone can ever do for themselves. Don't take time for granted, and live without excuses. Always remember that tomorrow may never come...

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