The other day at the station, i saw her. I saw her again, the lady that has been hunting my dreams. She was standing so close to the glass, you would think she was a reflection. She looked right back at me; i could feel her eyes on me. It was almost midnight, and i was tired but i wanted to see her clearly: to ask her why she hunted my dreams so! I looked straight at her now; she was using a big sunglasses that covered most of her face, her nose was quite small, and her lips... Oh my, her lips were the finest set i had ever come across. They were coloured in a dark shade of red that made them look too perfect. I had to compliment her on the right choice of lipstick, it suits her! I moved closer to d object of my dreams, through the crowd; she was watching me, i knew it. I finally made out her outfit: She looked sexy in d blue sundress she had on, and a gorgeous set of 6 inches; i will comment on that too when i get to her. She shouldn't be wearing such dress at night, it was too cool and those heels are risky. I looked her over once more, she looked nothing like i had imagined her body to be.... She looked perfect, and her figure could make any man (or woman) sin. I was almost with her when she suddenly turned her back to me, and moved away as if leaving the station. I was surprised: was she not here to board the train? why is she leaving? has she come for me again? Did she want me to follow?. A million tins where running through my mind as i watched her leave. I had to decide fast! I heard the train i ad been waiting for arrive, and i saw her moving closer to the exit. She looked back at me, and smiled. That smile seemed to awaken something inside me, and i made my choice then. I ran after her, to catch up with her. I did not want to loose her again...
Again, reminded me of the first time i saw her. It was at the mall, and i had gone there to shop a few weeks ago. She was way ahead of me when i caught sight of her, but i knew instantly. I had the feeling that she was there for me, i could feel it inside. It was like she was communicating with my insides somehow. It was almost like she had a control over me that day, i could not control myself. I just hurried my steps to catch up with her. All i wanted to do was introduce myself. I just wanted to see and not feel her; i wanted to say hi! She walked briskly ahead, oblivious that someone was following her. I tried to keep up with her but there were too many people at the mall, I could only make out her head, and it gave me a good direction. I bumped into a lady that was carrying alotta of bags and that's how i lost her.
We had exited the station now, so i tried to walk normally. I would follow her till she stopped somewhere, i said to myself. I would then have a long chat with her before going home to bed! We moved on a bit through some streets i had never been. She headed towards a group at the far end, and i became scared. What if they hurt me? What if they kill me?. I looked up and realized she was there: she laughed so loudly, i could swear i had heard the laughter before. She collected drinks from them, and cigars... I decided it wasn't worth it, and was just about to turn back when she looked at me again and smiled. This time, she winked at me. I could not go back after that! I had to get to her and tell her all the things i had intended; tell her how bad drinking and smoking is on the health. She had packed her drinks in a pack and as she carried it up, she crossed the street and moved on. I discarded all thoughts of leaving: it wasnt an option anymore! We had walked a few more blocks when she dumped her package in a trash can, without even looking back to acknowledge it. When i peeped in the can, i saw all the alcohol and cigarettes she had collected from the gang back there. I became curious: why had she thrown them away? where they not her friends? why did she collect them in the first place? why did she stop to laugh with them? where is she headed to?. But these questions just made me want to talk to her more!
It felt like an eternity that we had been walking, and i'm totally sure i'm lost. I dismissed that thought; i would find my way eventually but i had to speak with this lady first. She must get tired of walking sometime! Next, she took us to a playground in a very peaceful neighborhood. There was nobody around, and she just sat on the swing. I was overjoyed, thinking this was my chance to speak with her. I moved closer to her, very cautiously as to not scare her away and i heard it. I heard the sound of her tears. She was crying... Her head was bended over her hands, and she was wailing. In darkness, with no one to comfort her! I was taken aback; wat could have aroused her tears? why would she come to a private place to cry? what did the playground mean to her? I sat quietly beside her, wanting to comfort her; But i couldnt bring myself to. I decided that i would sit there until she had stopped crying, and i would look into her eyes and talk with her!
Her eyes! I never noticed them, i had no idea if it was blue or green. Infact, i was just taking note of her hair: she had beautiful black hair. I imagined touching it, and letting it glide through my fingers. I knew it would feel silky. I rested my back on the swing and i realised i was exhausted. I should have gone home when i had the chance, i thought. But as i heard her cry again, i knew i was lucky to be here with her in such a private ritual. But God! I was dying to know what reason she had for crying. She seem so perfect, with a flawless smile, that i could not imagine an angel such as her would cry.
That was my last thought as fatigue took over my senses and i drifted off.......
I could have sworn i heard my name...
I jerked awake, and almost lost balance on the swing. I looked all around me, the sun was just rising. I looked at her, standing there looking up at the sun and i felt happy. She had not left me alone there, she had stayed while i slept. Just then, she looked at me as if accusing me of something. I finally had the chance to see her, really look at her! I didnt take a pause to think of what i could have done to hurt such beauty. I just wanted to see her eyes, i wanted to look into those eyes finally, to see what they see, to look in their depth, i wanted to know what colour they were, i wanted to tell her the things i said i would. I moved closer, as if to touch her and stared back at her. Her eyes, the eyes i wanted to so much look at had no color... They were bleak. I was taken aback; how couldn't i have noticed this since last night? even her glorious smile could not hide that... She looked like she had so much to say, so much to tell me. But she just smiled, urging me to look deeper, to search deeper. I looked, and almost drowned myself in her gaze. I was about to tell her it was of no use, when something caught my attention; something so familiar. I knew those eyes, i continued searching her eyes like they had the answers. And then, i stopped seaching. I stood there shocked, unable to utter a word. I had figured it out, i didn't even need to see her eyes. The eyes i spent an entire night chasing after, that i was looking into; the bleak eyes,....
.....were mine
Con amor
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