The world has evolved, in every way and it's mostly good. It's just that there are thing I would rather are left as they were. An example is how we define beauty. We have have become so accustomed to perceiving a make up enhanced face as beautiful that we have begun to undermine the value of a natural looking face. Barely do you see a lady without make up on and when you do, she's 'ashamed of it'. Irony is that no matter how well dressed a lady is these days, she feels naked without her make up on.
I cannot count the number of times I have been asked one way or the other why I don't use make up. My response is usually one of a joke, and it's the same line I use for a lot of things in my life "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve seeing my best". The truth is that I have used make up before, I have some shoot pictures proving that. Infact I did attend a make up school, but I didn't complete it. Back when I was in the uni, I used to rub a lil white powder on my face, colourful lip gloss, either a ash/gray/gold eyeshadow (as minimal as possible), and a quick flick of mascara on my lashes- and I was good to go. At this time, I knew I wasn't going to get an award for my make up, but I was darn sure I looked good.
As make up evolved like everything else in the world, it began to get bolder. There were more and more products being released daily to use on your face. It got to a stage that you can barely recognize someone you know very well when they're covered in the paint called make up these days. Now, I just can't stand the absurdity of it all. It's freaking okay to use make up and get transformed on your special days, but when you wake up extra early everyday simply because you want to sit and paint yourself up for 2 goddamned hours before going to work, it's just ridiculous.
Yes, it take up to 2 hours to have that exclusive face beat, and it even takes some longer hours than that. When your body is demanding rest, you wake it up and cover the sleeping bags up with more makeup. For crying out loud, give yourself some time out! The artificial lashes must be giving your eye lids a sore, your natural lashes need time to breathe. And for heaven's sake, give your face some free time to get nourished naturally.
Some of you have friends that you have never seen without make up on. Even at night, their make up game is always tight. How can I have a friend that I can't recognise without her make up on?! The worst part now is that men have joined the makeup club. I don't know what this world is turning into, but every time I think of it, I roll my eyes and keep thinking- RIDICULOUS!!!
Can anyone of you boast of going a whole month without makeup? If I gave you a dare to spot your natural face for the rest of the year, would you bite??!
I may not be the prettiest girl and may not even have a cute face to look at, but I was created this way and I am damned proud of it. There is nothing to be ashamed of spotting a natural looking face, seeing as everyone is beautiful in their own way. You should try it some time, it's quite refreshing.
Can amor
Friday, 3 February 2017
Wanna Paint?

Thursday, 2 February 2017
I have been watching a lot of home videos lately, in retrospect to real happenings around me, and I keep deriving the same conclusion. One way or the other, no matter how perfect you are, men will always cheat.
Be the perfect stepford wife, cook his meals, clean up after him, do his laundry, be the intelligent partner he can throw ideas around with at night, and satisfy him well in the bedroom. All these don't matter because as soon as the devil in skirt comes chasing after him, it's over. It's like half their brain is only programmed to have sex because I genuinely don't understand why a man whose wife is pleasing him in every way, will still cheat on her with another that cannot even nearly be compared to your woman. Is the sex all that different? Is it worth ruining your marriage and life for? That's a question many men never bother to ask themselves before plunging into these affairs.
Explain to me how intelligent men can't think around a short skirt, and their only goal in the 30minutes that follows is how to get under those skirts; by all means possible. I would have thought his wife's sacrifice to be able to take care of him and love him daily would count for something. I have concluded that there's really nothing like "sexually sated" in a man's head.
Even when your wife is a sexy independent working class lady that still finds a way to satisfy you every single day, it's just never enough. Even though she works like you do and is even working harder (as she has a home and a big baby in form of a husband to take care of), it will never occur to you to appreciate her efforts and be faithful. That's all she wants from you emotionally, is it really too much to ask???
Men can't just resist the long legs on heels and tight ass in jeans or shorts. It pisses me off that I can't seem to comprehend the rationale behind their reasoning. They just keep grabbing any piece of ass or skirt as they go... it's the way they were programmed to operate, I guess.
Con amor
Be the perfect stepford wife, cook his meals, clean up after him, do his laundry, be the intelligent partner he can throw ideas around with at night, and satisfy him well in the bedroom. All these don't matter because as soon as the devil in skirt comes chasing after him, it's over. It's like half their brain is only programmed to have sex because I genuinely don't understand why a man whose wife is pleasing him in every way, will still cheat on her with another that cannot even nearly be compared to your woman. Is the sex all that different? Is it worth ruining your marriage and life for? That's a question many men never bother to ask themselves before plunging into these affairs.
Explain to me how intelligent men can't think around a short skirt, and their only goal in the 30minutes that follows is how to get under those skirts; by all means possible. I would have thought his wife's sacrifice to be able to take care of him and love him daily would count for something. I have concluded that there's really nothing like "sexually sated" in a man's head.
Even when your wife is a sexy independent working class lady that still finds a way to satisfy you every single day, it's just never enough. Even though she works like you do and is even working harder (as she has a home and a big baby in form of a husband to take care of), it will never occur to you to appreciate her efforts and be faithful. That's all she wants from you emotionally, is it really too much to ask???
Men can't just resist the long legs on heels and tight ass in jeans or shorts. It pisses me off that I can't seem to comprehend the rationale behind their reasoning. They just keep grabbing any piece of ass or skirt as they go... it's the way they were programmed to operate, I guess.
Con amor

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